What Matters Most?

What Does Work to Become Your Healthier Weight?

Your Habits, Your Mindset & Your Emotional Triggers Matter Most!


When I look back, I really was a skinny child and healthy weight teenager. 

Yet, mentally and emotional, I saw myself as fatI believed I was fat & I felt fat since I was about 13 years old. 

As an adult, my weight easily went up and down 5 to 15 pounds yet never would I have been considered over weight by others. 

But I had a I'm FAT Mindset  & I just could never see my own weight as completely normal & healthy.


My desire to be leaner came from a childhood & adult life of cultural programming, programming filled to the brim with misinformation & wrong beliefs.

Endless subconscious programming from: 

advertisements & magazine articles,

food & or weight comments made by family & friends (whether loving, innoscent, controlling or hurtful ), 

my needing acceptance, 

& my wanting to fit into a society that thrived off & made BIG $ with fantasy sexualizing of woman & youthfulness.

This programming created my I'm Fat Mindset so strongly, that it became my life hobby (sometimes obsession) to read everything that crossed my path about losing weight and keeping off fat.


My life of studying how to manage my own body weight included: 

the biochemistry of body fat physiology,

the environmental contributions,

the genetic and epigenetic factors,

the sociological & psychological critical influences on body weight management,

the exploration of many how-to-self-heal with mind-body therapies.

The knowledge that really made the critical difference for me was coming to understanding what made the Brain & Mind work was from a Hypnotherapist's point of view.

Hypnotherapy was what helped me the most to understand that it comes down to our connections with our unconscious Core Survival Programs & our subconscious Mindset Programs that control our body weight.

These Programs are not only critical in maintaining permanent healthy weight, but in our wellness and wellbeing.

Coming to understanding my own unconscious mind's Core Survival Programs & my subconscious Mindset Programs, continues to provide me with deep insight to how to successfully coach so many people. 

Knowing that my programs successfully re-educates my clients and assists my clients in re-programming their own minds to live healthy and happier lives, is very satisfying for me. 

My promise to every client:

I take my commitment to you to heart to do my best in supporting the wellness success you desire.

Linda Greenfield